Stairwell’s Valley Step Works Public Event
Sunday, August 28, 2016, 12-3pm
Hayes Valley Art Works, San Francisco, CA
At the culmination of our Hayes Valley Art Works residency, Stairwell’s hosted a free public event with participatory activities, a short walking tour, stair-themed refreshments and an awards ceremony with unique handmade trophies. Together, we explored the HVAW site and surrounding area and took part in circuit training of the non-athletic variety. These activities included coming up with alternative “backronyms” for O.S.O.C., the letters we found scrawled on the inside of our shipping container residency studio. Visitors were also invited to take a closer look at building facades and rooftops to count the many satellite dishes nestled amongst the dense urban landscape.
Related: Stairwell’s Valley Step Works Residency, 10 Things We Learned in Hayes Valley PDF